Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

cheat the warriors ps2

# Infinite health

While playing the game, press Up, Triangle, L3, Select, X, L2. Note: Activating rage while this code is enabled will cancel the unlimited health.
# Infinite sprint

While playing the game, press Down, Square, Left, X, L1, Select.
# Infinite rage

While playing the game, press Square, Circle, Triangle, Select, X, Left.
# All items and $200

While playing the game, press R1, R2, L1, X, Down, L1.
# All weapon dealers unlocked

While playing the game, press Right, R1, Circle, X, Select, Square.
# 200 Bones, 3 Flash, and Cans

While playing the game, press R1, R2, L1, X, Down, L1.
# Upgrade combat stamina

While playing the game, press X, L1, Down, Square, Up, X.
# Upgrade sprint stamina

While playing the game, press L2, Select(4), Triangle.
# Upgrade Flash capacity

While playing the game, press L2, X, R2, L1(2), Circle.
# Upgrade Flashhead

While playing the game, press Down, Left, Up(2), Square, Right.
# Upgrade bum advice

While playing the game, press Circle(2), Down, R2, L2, Circle.
# Upgrade hobo allies

While playing the game, press R1(2), L1, R1, L1, Up.
# Complete current mission

While playing the game, press Down, Square, X, Select, R1, Left.
# 100% completion in Story mode

While playing the game, press L1, Select, Square, Down, L2, Right.
# Lose police

While playing the game, press Up, Select, X, Triangle(2), Circle.
# Handcuff key drops

While playing the game, press Left, X(2), R2, L1, Down.
# Handcuff drops

While playing the game, press Up, X, Up, Select, L3, L1.
# Uncuff self

While playing the game, press Triangle(3), Select, Triangle, R1.
# Get brass knuckles

While playing the game, press Circle(3), L1, Select, Triangle.
# Get steel-toe boots

While playing the game, press R3, R2, R1, L3, L2, L1.
# Get knife

While playing the game, press Down(2), Select, Up(2), L3.
# Get bat

While playing the game, press Square, R2, Down(2), L1(2).
# Get unbreakable bat

While playing the game, press L3(2), Circle, Up, Circle, Select.
# Get pipe

While playing the game, press R2, Circle, Select, Up, L1, Right.

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